Is my PDF already accessible?

If you have not already, configure Acrobat Pro to show the accessibility tools first.

Open the file in Adobe Acrobat Pro. (If you have Adobe Creative Cloud, you already have access to the tool), if not you can purchase it through at a discount. It may take 24 hours after purchase to activate.

Check if it is accessible

Video Summary

  1. Check if the accessibility tools are configured. 
  2. Activate the Accessibility Checker.
  3. Review the Accessibility Checker results.
  4. Perform the manual checks.
    • Title
    • Logical Reading Order
    • Color Contrast
    • Structure Types
    • Alternative text
    • Tables for headers

Please check out Adobe's official full documentation on checking a PDF for accessibility.

If it is good, you are done!

Great work!

If it is not good, Remediate it in one of the following ways:

If the file passes most of the Acrobat Pro Accessibility Checker items:

If the file fails most of the Acrobat Pro Accessibility Checker items:

For more comprehensive training watch LinkedIn Learning Creating Accessible PDFs. It is free when you log in using your Duke email address.