NEW! We have created a special "Choose Your Own Adventure" PDF remediation Decision Tree with tips on how to make any Word, Excel, PowerPoint, InDesign, and PDF documents accessible.

PDF remediation decision tree

PDF remediation decision tree

In general, Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 guidelines also apply to documents on a site.

Microsoft Office

Duke faculty and staff have access to download Microsoft Office 365 through software.duke.edu. If you do not have access to your own computer, you might have access to Office Online which has browser-based versions of the same software.





Google Docs


Duke faculty and staff have access to purchase discounted Adobe Acrobat DC or Adobe Creative Cloud software software.duke.edu.

Acrobat PDF

Adobe InDesign

Remediation services

To be sustainable, content creators at Duke need to know how to make their documents accessible from the start. However, some documents are difficult to remediate and sometimes the quantity is just too high to handle. For those cases, the Duke Web Accessibility Team has researched the market for a quality PDF Remediation vendors.   Our results are below.

Accessible PDFs Inc.

"Accessible PDFs Inc" have been very good to Duke. We have negociated a very generous discount for remediating our PDF files. Use Duke's direct contact. Tell them you are from Duke and Joel Crawford-Smith said to contact you for help. In our experience, they have all came back accessible and compliant. We have confidence that their work. We have negotiated a discount for Duke. The price point is very competitive.

WCAG Compliance Inc.

We recommend “WCAG Compliance Inc.” for PDF remediation.  In our experience, they have all came back accessible and compliant. We have confidence that their work. We have negotiated a discount for Duke. The price point is also very competitive.

Automated tools

No automated service can make every PDF document perfectly accessible. They should always be retested to ensure compliance. This service works best on simple documents. This service should not be used for complex forms, magazines, and brochures.


This service can help convert a variety of documents into 'tagged' PDF files to improve a document's level of accessibility. No automated service can make a PDF perfectly accessible, but the RoboBraille service will go through and add Tags as best it can to try to improve the document's level of accessibility.

Document Converter

Document Converter is a free service that can convert files from DOCX to PDF. The result will be a tagged PDF.